Cheque drops is not a very popular drug in a bodybuilders arsenal, mainly due to their side effects. But some athletes still prefer it among others, there is even a rumour that Mike Tyson was under mibolerone s action when he bit Holyfield s ear during the fight. Some athletes say that Cheque drops provide a great increase in power and adrenaline rush. That s why it is used before fights or competitions
Originally, Cheque drops were synthesized as a contraception drug for dogs. It works by interrupting the ovulation cycle, so the owners could control their dog s reproduction. But one way or another, later the great guru Dan Duchaine found the application of Check Drops in modern bodybuilding long before that. Drops were removed from the assembly line and put back on several times before they gained widespread popularity in serious fighting circles. More details here:
Check Drops is extremely strong, in fact, it is one of the strongest androgens known to mankind. According to the manufacturer:”When Mibolerone is combined with testosterone, the strength of its anabolic effect increases by 5.9 times, and androgenic by 2.5″. The most justified use of Check-Drops is to take it by the athlete 30 40 minutes before the competition to achieve extreme aggression and a burst of adrenaline. Also due to its toxicity, Check-Drops should not be used for more than two weeks, using low dosages. But anyway, for an anabolic effect, Check-Drops should be used from 5mg (5000mg) a day and above.
The halflife of this substance is very short (only about 4 hours), but at the same time it is absorbed very quickly and its level rises just as rapidly. The drug was noticeable enough, unfortunately, to be included in all lists of banned substances of virtually all athletic organizations, so that no one cancelled the precautionary measures. Several metabolites of this substance can be detected if the analysis is performed immediately.
Cheque drops side effects
If it is sometimes presented as the most androgenic substance on the planet, then later it can be called the most toxic. 19-nor-androgen may well cause progesterone-induced gynecomastia if it’s not used within the recommended dosages and time periods. The 17th component can also seriously affect liver function. Precautions must be used when dealing with Mibolerone. If taken by a pregnant athlete, it can affect the development of the fetus, as well as changes in lipid levels. On the website:

Side effects include but are not limited to
- increased aggression,
- hypertension,
- insomnia,
- various liver lesions
For those whose aggression is naturally so high, the level can rise to dangerous levels. The strength of this effect does not affect everyone equally, so the athlete must be experienced enough to be able to control the level of aggression after exercise. Check Drops should not be combined with the other 17 steroids. If Drops is used for a short time, testosterone will return to normal fairly quickly. But, still, to prevent the risk of suppression, a great solution would be to use Drops in conjunction with other steroids to provide high testosterone levels. Just as Drops is used to raise strength, it can also be useful during drying.
It is not aromatizing much (we`re talking about a conversion to estrogen), so the use of drugs such as Nolvadex, Arimidex is not necessary, as well as the use of Clomid. On the other hand, it is a strong progestin, but if we talk about the doses we discussed earlier, it does not matter much. Unfortunately, it completely blocks the secretion of luteinizing hormone, which will spoil your natural hormonal background for a long time, with prolonged use.